Cinebench 11.5
Software product from Maxon that allow, through the development of three-dimensional images and content, to test the CPU performance. This release allow to test the CPU using a single core, or all the cores inside the processor.
Same scenario as with the R10 version of this benchmark: on the single core we see a score of 1.03, or +0.03 compared to 1100T Thuban. While MP scaling ratio does mark a very good score of 5.83 x even if it is in fact a very similar score to the 1100T, a sign that this new architecture is not yet properly exploited by this benchmark. The distance on the single core from the Intel Sandy Bridge is very high, the Intel i7-2600K is +0.50 points of score on a single core. Objectively, we would have expected an higher score, but several considerations must be made on the production process not live up with expectations as fully explained in the given page.
The situation is quite the mirror image of what has already been seen in the case of the R10 version of the Cinebench. Bringing the CPU to 4 GHz, it does mark a step back once again on both the overall score and the score made on a single core. From here can be seen as the IPC of the single core CPU has dropped compared to the old architecture AMD: 0.99 is the lowest score ever on a single core.